Health Coaching

Laura Klein, MS, MBA

Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach & Certified Personal Trainer

laura klein push-ups, certified personal trainer
Laura has a Master of Science degree in Food & Nutrition as well as an MBA in Healthcare.

With over 15 years experience working in the Health & Wellness Industries, Laura has what it takes to help people reach their personal goals. Clients include individual men and women of all ages and fitness levels as well as children and families trying to be healthier.

Health Coaching Services

Grocery Shopping Lists

Help with your diet plan that supports your health goals and fits your budget.

Menu planning

Daily Menu Planning

Laura will help you find ways to incorporate healthy choices into your daily routine.

Personal Goals

Support and Direction with Reaching your Goals

Laura will work with you to clarify your personal goals and develop a roadmap on how to reach them.

Fitness Evaluation & Exercise Plan

You will have your current fitness level assessed and Laura will develop a training plan to help you reach your weight and fitness goals.

Vegetable Salad

Personalized DASH Diet

If you have high blood pressure, the DASH Diet is scientifically proven to help.

Personal Training Sessions

Meet one-on-one with Laura to get in shape. Sessions can be bought in packages that work in your schedule and budget.

FREE Initial Consultation with purchase of four 30 minute Health Coaching Sessions

Get started on your health journey with Laura’s help for only $199.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

4 Health Coaching Sessions - $199
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